New State Budget: Rebuilding Our Roads, Highways, and Bridges

Catharine Young

April 13, 2014

You can look forward to a smoother ride thanks to record funding for local road repairs included in the state budget.

The poor condition of many of our roads and highways is a serious economic issue, as well as a safety matter. The potholes caused by this winter’s extreme weather are causing vehicle damage and putting drivers’ safety at risk. The strength and vitality of our economy is also directly linked to the quality of our roads and highways.

Knowing the tremendous need for improvements to our roads, my Senate Republican colleagues and I worked hard to include in the recently passed state budget a second straight year of record funding for local road repairs.

Our efforts paid off and the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS), which helps municipalities fund important highway, road, and bridge projects, was funded at a record $478 million.

For our economy to grow and improve, we need a strong network of roads and highways that can support increased commerce. This important funding will keep New York State moving forward, while also creating more jobs and opportunities, enhancing public safety, and improving the quality of life in our communities.

In addition, part of the record CHIPS funding is a $40 million “Extreme Weather Assistance” fund that will be dedicated to repairing the potholes that have formed as a result of this winter’s harsh conditions. This fund will specifically help municipalities fix the potholes that are causing such damage to our vehicles.

Along with the help for local governments, we also funded the second year of a two-year $3.7 billion state Department of Transportation (DOT) capital plan, ensuring New York has a state-of-the-art infrastructure network to carry people, goods, and services across the state.

Taken together, the record CHIPS funding, pothole fund, and capital funds will go a long way in enhancing our roads and highways, supporting job creation, and providing a much needed boost to our economy.

To see what your local government received in CHIPS funding, click here, and in Extreme Weather Assistance” funding, click here.

Please accept my best wishes and never hesitate to contact me if I can ever help.

Warmest regards,

Senator Cathy Young