Presenting a Senate Liberty Medal to William Street, Ulster Hose Company's EMS Provider of the Year

Cecilia Tkaczyk

August 1, 2014

I had the privilege of meeting and presenting a Senate Liberty Medal to William Street, who joined the Ulster Hose Company in 1980. William was selected as the Company’s EMS Provider of the Year for the decisive actions he took to save his neighbor’s life.
Bill was at home spending time with his family in his backyard on June 22, 2013. When his neighbor was found unconscious in a swimming pool, Bill called on his wife to call 911 and proceeded to the pool to render care. 
With Bill’s assistance, the unconscious person was removed from the pool and lifesaving efforts were initiated. As a result water was expelled from the patient’s lungs, she was able to breathe on her own, and made a full recovery. The outcome of this incident could have turned into a tragedy if not of the unselfish act of William Street.