Senator Valesky Hosts Health and Civic Engagement Fair
David J. Valesky
August 15, 2014
Senator Valesky is hosting a Health and Civic Engagement Fair at the Southwest Community Center on Friday, August 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This free event is open to all area residents. The nonprofit and government agencies listed below will have tables at the fair and provide important information on health care, free smoke detectors, healthy living, long-term elder care, job hunting, prescription payment assistance, and more, as well as offer giveaways. Flu shots will be available (bring insurance card, cash, or check), along with other health screenings. For more information, call the district office at 478-8745.
Onondaga Community College Nursing Program
Onondaga County Dept. of Social Services - Economic Security
Food Bank of CNY
Social Security Administration
Kinney Drugs Inc.
Onondaga County Board of Elections
InterFaith Works of CNY
Cooperative Federal
Syracuse Fire Dept.
American Red Cross
YMCA of Greater Syracuse
Onondaga County Public Library - Beauchamp Branch
SUNY Syracuse Educational Opportunity Center
Onondaga County Dept. of Adult and Long Term Care Services
VNA Homecare
Salvation Army of the Syracuse Area
Spanish Action League of Onondaga County
American Cancer Society
CNY Works
Onondaga County Health Department
CNY Arts
Aurora of C.N.Y.
Meals On Wheels of Syracuse New York
SUNY Empire State College
Vera House, Inc.
Onondaga County Community Development - Lead Hazard Reduction Program
New York State Commission for the Blind
Southwest Community Center
Rite Aid Pharmacy
Crouse Hospital Chemical Dependency Treatment Services
ACR Health
Crouse Hospital
Family Planning Service
OCRRA (Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency)
"She Matters" by the Upstate Cancer Center and the Healthy Neighbors Partnership