The Groundbreaking for the new Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library, Monticello
John J. Bonacic
September 15, 2014
- Education
Senator Bonacic attended the ground-breaking to kick off the construction of the expanded Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library on Monday, September 15, 2014. The new two-story library is expected to cost approximately $3.2 million dollars, and is expected to open in the Fall of next year. From left to right: Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Debie Levine, Library Friends’ President; Mary Paige Lang-Clouse, Library Director; Senator Bonacic; Alan J.Sorenson, Legislator, and members of the library board. (William J. Rieber, Jr, Supervisor of the Town of Thompson is far right in hard hat.)