Senator Bonacic Presents Student of the Year, Eugene Scott, with NYS Senate Resolution

Senator Bonacic presents Orange County’s Eugene Scott with a New York State Senate Resolution commending him on being a recipient of the Student of the Year 2014 Award by the NY Association for Continuing/Community Education. In 2013, Scott was incarcerated in his senior year of high school. While in the prison system, he enrolled in the Orange-Ulster BOCES Incarcerated Education Program where he excelled academically, earning the respect and admiration of staff and administration. After receiving his high school equivalency diploma, he entered the nursing field, and is now in an EMT program with an eye to a Pre-Med program.
“I am so proud of this young man who truly exemplifies the ideals and values of this award,” says Senator Bonacic, “Eugene turned his life around, and is now a shining example for others to follow.”