Earth Day 2014 Poster Contest: District 47
April 17, 2014
Dear Students,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the New York State Senate’s Earth Day Poster Contest. This year we received many outstanding posters that exemplify the creativity of the young people in the 47th Senatorial District.
Each entry from my District displayed tremendous originality and vision as well as obvious concern for the ecological future of our communities and our state. I am proud of your work and that of your classmates, and encourage you to continue to study and learn more about the serious challenges that face our environment.
I am pleased to announce that the winner of the 2014 Earth Day Poster Contest from my District is:
Nya Marsh
3rd grade
Westmoreland School
And I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Contest. I also want to thank your family and give special thanks to your teachers, whose dedication and involvement in this event provided the encouragement for you to be creative and participate in the 2014 Earth Day Poster Contest.
Senator Joseph A. Griffo
47th Senatorial District
Annsville Elementary - Camden CSD
Bellamy Elementary School
Copenhagen Central School
Dodge Pratt Northam Art and Community Center
- Breadon Sanderson
- Kaitlin Gallo
- Dolton Shaffer
- Emma Flansburg
- Ireland Payne
- Christopher Strobel
- Brendan Czajka
- Gabe Chiocki
- Rachel Bellinger
- Riley Paschke
- Sarah Wiedmer
Harrisville Central School
Madison Oneida BOCES
- Joseph Vogelsang
- Joel Tifft
- Christopher Demorrow
- Christian Peck
- Emma Sprinkle
- Christopher Crumb
- Aiden Bray-Evans
NA Walbran Elementary
North Bay Elementary
Ridge Mills Elementary School
West Leyden Elementary School
- Kaila Gifford
- Justin Race
- Joshua Norrs
- Hailey Memery
- Christian Blanco
- Brianna Grogg
- Blake Bortiatynski
- Alexandra Khouri
- Alecia Horn
- Shane Sweredoski
- Samantha Witzigman
- Rowan Wysocki
- Noah Gydesen
- Maxine Korte
- Matthew Marsh
- Kaitlyn Renwick
- Madison Neilson
- Kailee Underwood
- Kreedon Rogers
- Kara Ward
- Jacob Healt
- Jake Khouri
- Isaiah Luhr
- Jorden Rivette
Westmoreland Elementary
- Jason Landry
- Marcella Perrault
- Kiel Strife
- Izabella Acee
- Ryan Ernenwein
- Alannah Pezdek
- Wesley Larish
- Gracie Livingston
- Madison Giambattista
- James Gleason
- Aiden Watkins
- Kiersten Tynatishon
- Jordan Flint
- Samantha Ferguson
- Arianna Feldman
- Ellen Batson
- Victoria Downs
- Drew Bowen
- Anthony Valenzano
- Ann Sweet
- Mackenzie Hayes
- Noah Gonzalez
- Alina Gubbins
- Alexis Hosler
- Joseph Bulischek
- Jack Longo
- Scarlette O'Grady
- Dakota Saxe
- Josh Suber
- Tristan Riggles
- Samantha Testa
- Mark VanDeusen
- Maddie Lenahan
- Kyle LaGasse
- Mia Lazzara
- Matthew Doyle
- Stephen Holmes
- Carson Nestved
- Alexander Colon
- Madison St. Peter
- Gianna Waterman
- Nicholas Altier
- Jillian Morris
- Evan Saxton
- Abigail Robinson
- Juliana Acee
- Grady DePasquale
- Madelyn Effland
- Kayla Sciorilli
- Julia Greene
- Nathan Testa
- Xavier Dodson
- Kaelin Haynes
- Jakob Mazur
- Emaleigh Ernenwein
- Isabella LaMonica
- Elijah Gonzalez
- Sophia Longo
- Molly Nestved
- Kevin Pellizzeri
- Rylie St. Peter
- Dylan Myers
- Jack Williams
- Elisha Andrews
- Logan Hosler
- Lauryn Effland
- Jeremy Riggles
- Haley Brasie
- June LeChevet
- Alyssa Christopher
- Kiersten Bielby
- Autumn Millington
- Lily Mazur
- Natalie Trophia
- Bryan Doyle
- Michael Scalise
- Mitchell Schram
- Bailey Metzger
- Ella McGregor
- Cristian Sovare
- Carter McGregor
- Emily Gubbins
- Mekayla Beckwith
- Arianna Robinson
- Natalie Robinson
- Sophia Larish
- Justin Jennings
- Sabrina Coyne
- Samantha Gleason
- Hayden Cadrette
- Anthony Rocco
- Mason Catello
- Jesse Sweet
- Sarah Jones
- Vito (Cross) Valenzano
- Nya Marsh
- Steven Sovare
- David Sovare
- Caitlyn Merritt
- Sofia DePasquale
- Ally Pedersen
- Allison Davis
- Isabella D'Amico
- Gianna Fiorini