Senator Dilan, Conference Colleagues: The Case for Local Minimum Wage

Martin Malavé Dilan

June 3, 2014

Included Report  Details Benefits of Minimum Wage Increases to New York’s Diverse Economies

Senator Martin Malavé Dilan recently joined with members of the Senate Democratic Conference to urge passage of legislation that would authorize localities to establish a minimum wage tailored to the state’s unique regional economies.

“The current minimum wage is out of step with the everyday financial realities of working New Yorkers. The widening gap has left an entire generation struggling to make ends meet, all the while caring for the younger generation doomed to the same cycle. A real wage, indexed, with the flexibility for localities to adjust wages in accordance with local markets, is the only real light at the end of the tunnel for New York’s working families,”  said Senator Dilan.

Support for increasing the State’s minimum wage has gained additional traction, as Governor Cuomo recently made his support for an increase known. The Senate Democratic Conference released a comprehensive report detailing the economic benefits New York State would receive from authorizing a minimum wage local option and called for the immediate passage of legislation to establish it. The report demonstrated that raising the state’s minimum wage will help stimulate economic activity and grow local economies in communities and regions throughout New York. The report also included information provided by economic experts and minimum wage activists to conclusively illustrate the benefits of raising the minimum wage.

“The report makes a compelling case for raising the wage and granting local governments greater control over it. Giving localities new flexibility will further improve the economic health of New York State and provide a real living wage for the more than 1.1 million hard working New Yorkers constant struggling to make ends meet,” said Senator Dilan.