Senator Nozzolio honors Lochland School for its designation as the 2014 Non-Profit Business of the Year

Michael F. Nozzolio

February 27, 2014

Geneva- Senator Mike Nozzolio and Assemblyman Brian Kolb recently honored the Lochland School in Geneva for its designation as the 2014 Non-Profit Business of the Year by the Geneva Area Chamber of Commerce. Senator Nozzolio and Assemblyman Kolb presented a special New York State Resolution in recognition of their award. The award is given each year to an organization that strives to improve the community and its citizens.

Pictured left to right are: Senator Mike Nozzolio; Carrie Fiorilla and Dominic Christopher, of the Lochland School; John Hicks, President of the Geneva Area Chamber of Commerce; and Assemblyman Brian Kolb.