Commemorating Black History Month

Ted O'Brien

February 6, 2014

Dear friends,

This month, we welcome Black History Month as an opportunity to highlight the many accomplishments and contributions of African-Americans to our state and region.  The observation of Black History Month has a special connection to the Rochester area: February was chosen in 1926 partially because it was the birth month of Frederick Douglass, who rose from freed slave to famed abolitionist and orator, and spent almost 30 years living in Rochester.

Earlier this week, I was proud to join my colleagues in the Senate in passing a resolution commemorating this important month. I am pleased to honor the significance of important community celebrations such as Black History Month by making them part of the official records of the State of New York.

To learn more about the African-American experience and about the incredible contributions people of color have made to our nation, state and region, I encourage local people to take advantage of the excellent educational and cultural programming planned for this month.  Some examples of this programming include events planned by the City of Rochester and University of Rochester, along with special WXXI programming.

Very truly yours,

Ted O'Brien
New York State Senator, 55th District