Marisol Alcantara

Adriano Espaillat

May 13, 2015

Marisol Alcantara


Year: 2015

Marisol Alcantara was born in the Dominican Republic, the only child of parents who wanted a better future for their child. At the age of 12, she immigrated to Maryland to reunite with her family. Education has always been one of Marisol’s priorities, and in seeking higher education, she moved to New York City to pursue a Bachelor’s in Government and Political Science from Manhattan College. She then went on to graduate work in Urban Aff airs from Queens College and completed a fellowship from The New York Immigration and Coro. In 2004, Ms. Alcantara was one of 25 individuals selected by United Way of New York to be a Junior American Leader. 

Marisol Alcantara’s passion has always been to educate and empower minorities, women and immigrant workers. Witnessing all of her family’s hard work, she dedicated her professional life to uplift all who are disenfranchised. Ms. Alcantara has been at the forefront of political arenas locally and nationally, whether organizing Latinos for the 2008 presidential election or working as Campaign Manager to Elect City Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez in 2001 and 2008. In 2004, she coordinated the SEIU’s Latino outreach eff orts and supervised member volunteers in Southern Florida during the 2004 presidential election. She was the Co-Director of the Caribbean Power in Vote in Broward County, Florida for SEIU, and currently works as a Union Organizer /Representative for the New York State Nurses Association. 

For more than 10 years, Ms. Alcantara has dedicated her eff orts to protecting the rights of low wage workers as a union delegate for such labor unions as SEIU 32BJ, SEIU 758, HERE Local 100 and the Immigrant Worker Assistance Alliance. She has served as the national chapter coordinator for the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. 

Marisol Alcantara has lived in Hamilton Heights for the last 12 years, and was active with Community Board 9. As a parent, she has lobbied for public schools and for creating more green spaces in our communities. 

In 2010, Ms. Alcantara ran and won the Democratic District Leader position in West Harlem and will be running for the State Senate seat in the 31st district of Manh attan. She has participated on numerous panels, and as a speaker for Cornell School of Labor Studies, Women’s Labor Conference, the National Organization for Women, WBAI and Hostos Community College.