Breast Cancer Awareness Month Information Center

Carl L. Marcellino

October 8, 2015

Information on the Breast Density Information Law

The law Chapter 265 of 2012,  is the most comprehensive breast density law in the country.  It is designed to improve the early detection of breast cancer by informing women of their breast density and encouraging them to discuss with their physicians the potential benefits of additional screening tests.

The law requires that every mammography report given to a patient with dense breast tissue will inform the patient in plain, non-technical language that she has dense breast tissue and that she should discuss the potential benefit of further screenings with her physician.

American College of Radiology Breast Density Brochure featuring a Q & A: To read click here.

Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program 1-800-877-8077 has offered emotional support and information to people with and/or concerned about breast cancer. For more information click here.

The Maurer Foundation

1 in 9: The Long Island Breast Cancer Action Coalition:

Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition:

American Cancer Society: