Squadron: Mr. Trump Has Shown That He Is Unworthy Of Having A New York State Park Named In His Honor
December 14, 2015

Today, Senator Squadron sent a letter to Governor Cuomo calling for a renaming of Donald J. Trump State Park. Squadron also intends to introduce legislation to replace the current name with a more appropriate one. The full letter is attached and below.
Dear Governor Cuomo:
I write regarding Donald J. Trump State Park.
As you know, Mr. Trump’s rhetoric in his Presidential campaign has become increasingly hostile to the core values of our state and nation. His discriminatory proposals are unbefitting of a campaign for our country’s highest office. Mr. Trump has shown that he is unworthy of having a New York State Park named in his honor.
I request that you and State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Commissioner Rose Harvey act to quickly remove “Donald J. Trump” from any signage or public State Parks material associated with the park. I am also introducing legislation to replace the current name with a more appropriate one.
Mr. Trump has little historical significance to Westchester and Putnam counties, where the park is located -- a reality which will hopefully continue into the future. In light of this, I ask the State to begin a public renaming process that engages the local community to find a suitable name that does not compromise our State’s long history and core value of respect for diversity.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Daniel Squadron
State Senator
26th District