Squadron, Nadler, Brewer, Glick, Chin to Continue Lower Manhattan School Overcrowding Task Force

Senator Squadron, Congressmember Nadler, Borough President Brewer, Assemblymember Glick, and Councilmember Chin sent the below (and attached) letter to the Department of Education and the School Construction Authority requesting continued participation in the Lower Manhattan School Overcrowding Task Force, with the intent to schedule the next meeting in January. 


Dear Chancellor Fariña and President Grillo:

We write regarding the Lower Manhattan School Overcrowding Task Force. With the recent vacancy in the 65th Assembly District, it is our intent to continue this taskforce, under our collective leadership, to ensure issues of school overcrowding in Lower Manhattan are addressed. We also thank Community Board 1 for its role in this effort, and we look forward to close collaboration with Community Board 1 as the Task Force continues its work.

As Lower Manhattan continues to grow, the Task Force's work is not done. The Department of Education and School Construction Authority have engaged productively with the Task Force for years. We look forward to that engagement continuing into the future.

Collectively, we therefore request your participation at the next meeting of the task force, to be held on a mutually convenient date in January, as Community Board 1 has requested. For this first meeting, please contact Eric Mayo in Senator Squadron's office at 212-298-5565 office to coordinate details of the meeting.

We look forward to working with you to continue this transparent and productive process to address the need of our overcrowded schools.


Daniel Squadron, State Senator

Jerrold Nadler, Congressmember

Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President

Deborah Glick, Assemblymember

Margaret Chin, Councilmember