James E. Washington
May 20, 2015

First Sergeant
First Sergeant James E. Washington
Award: Honoring Our Veterans
Year: 2015
United States Army
First Sergeant (1SG) James E. Washington was born on May 24, 1962. He was raised in Long Island, and graduated from Sewanhaka High School, Floral Park, New York in 1980. Mr. Washington attended Nassau Community College before entering the United States Army on November 9, 1982 at Fort Hamilton, New York. He completed Basic Training and Advanced Initial Training (AIT) as a Combat Engineer at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and completed his second AIT as a Petroleum Supply Specialist at Fort Lee Virginia in 1985.
1SG Washington’s duty positions and assignments include Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant First Sergeant, S3 Operations Noncommissioned Offi cer (NCO), 23rd Quartermaster Brigade; S3 Operations NCO, United States Forces Iraq (USF-1), Camp Taji Iraq; Contracting Offi cer Representative (COR), Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-1), Camp Taji Iraq; Brigade Intelligence Offi cer, 23 Quartermaster Brigade, Fort Lee, Virginia; First Sergeant, Charlie Company, Fort Lee, Virginia; First Sergeant HHC 23rd Quartermaster Brigade, Fort Lee, Virginia; First Sergeant, Uniform Company Fort Lee, Virginia; First Sergeant 148th Quartermaster Company, Fort Lee, Virginia; G3 Logistics NCO, Fort Richardson, Alaska; Installation NCO, Stryker Brigade Combat Team 5 (SBCT5), Fort Richardson, Alaska; Platoon Sergeant, Fort Wainwright Alaska; Operations NCO, III Corps Fort Hood, Texas; Platoon Sergeant 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; Platoon Sergeant 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; Petroleum Supervisor Fort Bragg North Carolina; Petroleum Section Sergeant and Petroleum Handler. Prior to retirement, ISG Washington was assigned to the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 23rd Quartermaster Brigade, Fort Lee, Virginia.
In addition to his high school education, ISG Washington earned a bachelor’s degree from Southwestern College, associate’s degree from Central Texas College and the following courses: Petroleum Supply Specialist, Combat Engineer, Warrior Leader, Airborne, Air Assault, Master Fitness, Equal Opportunity Representative, Antiterrorism Level II, Physical Security, Senior Leaders, Advanced Leaders, Army Basic Instructor, Contracting Officer Representative, First Sergeant’s, and the Company Commander/First Sergeants course.
1SG Washington’s awards and decorations include Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (7th OLC), Army Achievement Medal (6 OLC), Good Conduct Medal (award), National Defense Service Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal (2nd award), Armed Forces Service Medal. Non-commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (numeral 3), Army Service Medal. Overseas Service Medal, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Medal (NATO). He is a lifetime member and former president of the Sergeant Audi Murphy Club (SAMC) III Corps and Fort Hood Chapter. and is a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Martin Club; ISG Washington is a member of the 11th New York Regiment Cavalry United States Volunteers and also the American Legion Cathedral Post 1087.
1SG Washington enjoys giving back to the community. His goal is to create unity, cohesion and esprit de corps within the neighborhoods and communities throughout Long Island. He has two children - Brianca, 23 and James Jr., 17. He is engaged to Vanessa Jones. 1SG Washington is retired from the United States Army and lives in West Hempstead, New York.