Save the Date for Senator Kathy Marchione's Golden Gathering: Saturday, October 17, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at Columbia-Greene Community College
Kathleen A. Marchione
September 18, 2015
- Aging

Senator Kathy Marchione’s Golden Gathering is Saturday, October 17. The Golden Gathering is a FREE health fair for senior citizens and their families. Don’t miss out on these FREE health care services:
Flu Shot Clinic (please bring your health insurance card), FREE flu shots for uninsured sponsored by Mid-Hudson Cable
NEW: FREE Senior Citizen ID Cards courtesy of Columbia County Sheriff’s Department
FREE blood pressure and hearing screenings, and safety tips
FREE tote bags and refreshments
FREE door prizes for attendees
Car seat safety check for grandparents courtesy of Hudson Police Department
Classic car show
NEW: Elvis impersonator
Senator Marchione’s Golden Gathering is co-sponsored by Columbia-Greene Community College.