Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

October 21, 2015

Mayor Bill de Blasio
New York City Hall
New York, New York 10007

Dear Mayor de Blasio:

You should know, dear Mayor, that the New York City Housing Authority residents of 875 Irvine Street, Bronx, New York 10474, right in heart of my district, are in desperate need of your immediate intervention. 

Now that you have returned from your travels to Israel and Ireland, you should know that after using all channels available to get the City of New York to repair the dangerous sidewalk conditions at 875 Irvine Street, no repairs have been made, and according to city officials, none are expected until Spring, 2016. This is gross negligence. (Please see the photos included.)

The safety of the residents in the area – which include many senior citizens, wheel-chair bound people, as well as moms and dads with baby strollers - continue to be neglected and their lives and safety remain in a predicament.

The photos I am enclosing show the extremely dangerous conditions for the residents in that building and in the community as a whole.

Mr. Mayor, it is important -  knowing that you are planning another trip out of the city to travel to Iowa - for you to know that the senior citizens and families 875 Irvine Street here in New York City are hoping and praying for your immediate intervention.

Respectfully yours,
Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz