The Sidewalk At 875 Irvine Street Is Being Repaired

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York
Tel 718-991-3161
The Sidewalk At 875 Irvine Street Is Being Repaired
You should know that after attending a meeting organized by Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, my staff informed me of the community’s concern expressed by those in attendance about their safety concerns for their New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) building located at 875 Irvine Street in Bronx County.
You should also know that on October 21, 2015, I wrote an Open Letter to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio requesting his immediate attention to a broken sidewalk that for a long time, was not only an eye-sore, but also a safety hazard facing the residents of 875 Irvine Street and the immediate community.
I would like to express my appreciation to the Mayor’s office for responding so fast to my open letter because today, October 27, 2015, the New York City Transportation workers were already working on the sidewalk. (Please see the attached photo.)
I would also like to express my appreciation to my dear friend, Mr. Christopher Lynn, Esq. for his assistance. His intervention helping to solve this sidewalk problem has been most effective. I want you to know that in my life, I have been blessed by having friends and counsel like Mr. Lynn, who has volunteered his professional services to help and advise me in my daily duties. He is not only a friend; I consider him my brother.
It is also important to publicly commend Mr. Leon Heyward, Deputy Commissioner for Sidewalks and Inspection Management for the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Transportation’s Bronx Commissioner Constance Moran.
You should know that if all of the Commissioners and workers of the City of New York would act and respond and be as diligent as the above mentioned, the mayor won’t have to be blamed, criticized and condemned for lack of concern.
As an elected official, I know and you should know that sometimes it is our staff members who make us look good or bad because they are the ones who are really in charge of hearing and acting to solve the communities’ problems.
Even though I am the one who wrote the letter to the Mayor, the people who are responsible for getting this done deserve our thanks.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.