Marc Coviello
May 19, 2015

Marc Coviello
Award: Honoring Our Veterans
Year: 2015
Marc Coviello is attending Westchester Community College and is planning on earning a four year degree in Political Science. He is the fi rst member of his family to serve in the military.
Mr. Coviello joined the United States Army, and began Infantry OSUT at Fort Benning, Georgia, on February 15, 2010. Upon graduation from Infantry OSUT, he was assigned to 3-8 CAV, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Calvary Division. In January 2011, Mr. Coviello deployed to Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn. During his tour, he served as a rifleman in an infantry fire team and as driver for a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.
Mr. Coviello’s main mission in Iraq was to conduct stability operations, focusing on advising, assisting and training Iraqi security forces. Upon redeployment from Iraq back to Garrison, Mr. Coviello was promoted to specialist and was placed into a team leader position. Later, he was promoted to Sergeant, and was the youngest Sergeant in his entire battalion at that time. Mr. Coviello worked hard and, due to his perseverance and intelligence, deserved to move up quickly.
After being promoted to Sergeant, Mr. Coviello was reassigned to 1-32 INF, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, and was immediately placed in a squad leader position. A small group of infantryman was selected to be assigned to an Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) team from 3rd Special Forces group to deploy to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Mr. Coviello was one of them. Their mission was to train, equip, advise and assist Afghan Special Forces in order to deter insurgent presence in their area of operation. During his time in Afghanistan, Mr. Coviello served as a Designated Marksman with a SR-25 Sniper Rifl e, and also as a turret gunner with a MK19.
Mr. Coviello received an Army Commendation Medal with Valor and a Purple Heart medal on February 10, 2014. He also received the Combat Infantry Badge, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Medal, among others.
Upon returning home, Mr. Coviello was determined to continue to serve his country and look out for his brothers. In short order, he founded the Hudson Valley Hero Project, whose mission is such – “Our energy is devoted to supporting the service members and veterans in the Hudson Valley region of New York. By supporting our heroes we not only strengthen our veterans but our community as well.”