Small Biz Reg Watch vol 1, Issue 11
Terrence P. Murphy
August 4, 2015
Dear Neighbor,
Below are this week's featured regulations. Remember, you can always check out theARRC website for a more comprehensive list of rules and regulations from both the fedeal and state government.
As a small business owner, I know firsthand how the miles of red tape can strangle the life out of any business. The goal of the small business regulatory watch is to make our state and federal government more transparent and business friendly. I encourage you to speak out against any of the proposed rules and regulations you see that may adversely impact your individual business or field.
If I or my staff can ever be of help please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wishing you the best,

Dr. Terrence P. Murphy
This Week's Featured Regulations
New York State Register, Issue 27, July 8, 2015:
Empire Zones Reform (Department of Economic Development/EDV-27-15-00001-E)
The rule will add the statutory definition of “cost-benefit-analysis” and will provide for its use and applicability for empire zone participants. A new Part 12 will be added implementing new record keeping requirements for a period of six years. The rule will allow the Department to continue implementing Zones reforms and adopt changes that would enhance the programs strategic focus.
This notice is an Emergency Adoption, to be valid for 90 days or less. This rule expires on September 16, 2015.
Comments or further information: Thomas P. Regan, NYS Department of Economic Development, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12245. 518-292-5123, Email:tregan@esd.ny.gov
New York State Register, Issue 28, July 15, 2015:
Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detecting Devices in Commercial Buildings (Department of State/DOS-28-15-00004-EP)
The rule will amend the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code by adding standards requiring the installation of carbon monoxide detecting devices in every commercial building.
A public hearing on the emergency proposal will be held at 10am, August 31, 2015at Department of State, Room 505, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY.
Public comments will be accepted for 60 days or up to September 13, 2015.
This notice is intended to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire on September 23, 2015.
Comments or further information: Mark Blanke, NYS Department of State, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231-0001. 518-474-4073. Email:mark.blanke@dos.ny.gov
Federal Register, Volume 80, Issue 136, July 16, 2015:
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Reform of Requirements for Long Term Care Facilities. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services/CMS-3260-P)
The rule will update requirements. Since the current requirements were developed, significant innovations in resident care and quality assessment practices have emerged. The population of nursing homes has changed, and has become more diverse and more clinically complex. The Centers are proposing to add new requirements where necessary, eliminate duplicative or unnecessary provisions, and reorganize the regulations as appropriate. Many of the revisions are aimed at aligning requirements with current clinical practice standards to improve resident safety along with the quality and effectiveness of care and services delivered to residents. The Centers believe that these proposed revisions may eliminate or significantly reduce those instances where the requirements are duplicative, unnecessary, and/or burdensome.
Public comments will be accepted up to September 14, 2015. Address written submissions to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-3260-P, P.O. Box 8010, Baltimore, MD 21244.
For further information contact, Sheila Blackstock, (410) 786-6633, for issues related to care transitions, QAPI. Ronisha Blackstone, (410) 786-6633, for issues related to comprehensive care planning, training. Diane Corning, (410) 786-6633, for issues related to behavioral health, infection control, facility assessment. Lisa Parker, (410) 786-6633, for issues related to the Regulatory Impact Analysis. Jeannie Miller, (410) 786-6633, for general information.