Squadron Condemns Mocking Chinatown O’Reilly Factor Segment
October 5, 2016

NEW YORK – Today, New York State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement in response to Jesse Watters’ O'Reilly Factor segment filmed in Chinatown:
“Under the guise of asking residents of Manhattan’s Chinatown their thoughts on Donald Trump, O'Reilly Factor correspondent Jesse Watters brought the kind of disrespect to my constituents that has been all too common this election cycle: stereotyping, mockery and a thinly veiled disdain for immigrants.”
“Unfortunately, one of the real costs of Trump’s divisiveness is the climate of racism and disrespect it’s made commonplace in our national discourse. That’s unacceptable in Chinatown, unacceptable in New York, and must be unacceptable on Fox News.”
“And to Jesse Watters: welcome to my district -- hope you don't come back.”