Squadron Urges Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to Halt Algonquin Pipeline Construction
July 18, 2016

Dear Chairman Bay:
I write regarding the Spectra Energy’s Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) pipeline expansion. In February, Governor Andrew Cuomo requested that construction of the pipeline be postponed in order to conduct an independent safety risk analysis assessing “the environmental, health and safety risks posed by siting the project near [Indian Point Energy Center] IPEC.” I am joining with others, including Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, in requesting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) halt construction.
Community stakeholders, advocacy groups, relevant experts and New York State agencies have raised concerns about FERC’s approval of the pipeline expansion. According to experts, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), whose report was a key element of FERC approval, lacks the expertise to properly evaluate the impacts the pipeline could have on IPEC. In addition, the Governor’s request that construction be postponed highlighted that IPEC has experienced seven significant incidents within less than a year. One of these incidents led to an automatic shut down due to an “unusual event level emergency.”
In light of these concerns, I urge FERC to halt construction until New York State completes an independent safety risk analysis. Thank you for your consideration and please contact me with any questions at 212-298-5565.
Daniel Squadron
State Senator
26th District