Thank You for Attending My Town Halls
November 18, 2016

Dear Friend,
Thank you to everyone who joined my recent town halls -- keeping America great begins with neighborhood and local civic engagement. If you missed it, you can get a copy of my report on issues throughout the district here, and you can see video from the event here.
It was great to hear from so many community members -- hundreds across the district. From sanitation and our local parks, to broader concerns about federal policy and our country’s future, I appreciated the broad range of issues that were raised.
This coming April, I’ll host my annual Community Convention, another opportunity for engagement. But opportunities for engagement with government are happening daily -- from your local Community Board, police precinct’s Community Council meetings, or Community Education Council, to name a few.
And please, continue to get involved, and stay involved, by calling, writing, or emailing my office with concerns and ideas, or to share your perspective. You can always reach me at 212-298-5565, 718-875-1517, or squadron@nysenate.gov.