Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera on the Nomination of Senator Sessions To the Post of Attorney General
November 20, 2016
"I'm profoundly alarmed by the decision of President-elect Trump to nominate the openly racist Senator Jeff Sessions to the post of Attorney General. Senator Session's vitriolic and hateful remarks, particularly targeting minority communities, make him completely unfit to oversee our country's highest law enforcement office.
Senator Sessions did not only characterize the ACLU and the NAACP as communist-inspired, un-American organizations, but he was already deemed unfit to hold a federal judgeship position because of his racist and divisive rhetoric. Furthermore, he has made a career of demonizing our country's immigrant communities by placing the blame of our country's economic downturn on them and, fiercely opposing and undermining any process towards reforming our broken immigration system.
If President-elect Trump was serious when he stated that he was going to be a President for all Americans, he should immediately rescind Senator Sessions's nomination and avoid normalizing the toxic rhetoric he used throughout this year's presidential campaign. He now has an obligation to every American and we must hold him accountable every step of the way."