Senator Bonacic Supports Legislation to Expand Cancer Coverage for Volunteer Firefighters

(Albany, NY)-Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) is pleased to announce that the New York State Senate has passed legislation, that he co-sponsored, which would expand cancer coverage for volunteer firefighters. The bill, S.8065, would expand the existing coverage under the volunteer firefighters benefit law  to include cancer of the digestive, hematological, lymphatic, urinary, prostate, neurological, breast and reproductive systems. Currently, volunteer firefighters who suffer from these types of cancers are not covered under the law, and this bill would remedy that inconsistency.
“Our volunteer firefighters put their lives on the line everyday protecting our communities,” said Senator Bonacic. “It is common sense to make sure that these heroes are covered against all potential types of cancers, and I was proud to support this bill. As long as I am privileged to serve, I will support volunteer firefighters.”
The bill now goes to the Assembly.