Senator Bonacic's Bill to Allow for Off-Hours Arraignments Outside of NYC Signed Into Law

(Middletown, NY)- State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) announced today that his bill to allow for off-hours arraignments outside of New York City (S.7209A) has been signed into law by the Governor (Chapter 492 of 2016). This legislation was introduced at the request of the Chief Administrative Judge and would amend the Judiciary Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, and the Uniform Justice Court Act to allow for a plan of rotating arraignment parts among the local criminal courts within each county outside New York City.
This measure is designed to facilitate the availability of public defenders or assigned counsel for defendants in need of legal representation at arraignments, without unduly burdening local government or placing additional stress on each of the stakeholders in the system, including magistrate judges, law enforcement, and indigent defense service providers. The measure broadens the jurisdiction of local courts to conduct off-hours arraignments in special off-hours arraignment parts, staffed by the same judges who currently preside over arraignments.
“I’m pleased that this legislation has been signed into law, ensuring that defendants are provided their constitutional rights to counsel,” said Senator Bonacic. “In addition to securing individuals constitutional rights, this legislation will save counties and municipal agencies time and money.”