A Deal Is A Deal

Sen. Ruben Diaz

January 15, 2016

What You Should Know

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev Rubén Díaz 
32nd Senatorial District 
A Deal Is A Deal

You should know that in this, my first What You Should Know column of 2016, I would like to talk to you about a donation and a deal made by Donald Trump with the State of New York.

It is important for you to know that back in 2006, Mr. Donald Trump donated a 435-acre park that is located in Westchester County, to the State of New York. This donation was made with the knowledge and agreement that the park would bear Donald Trump's name.

It was a free gift from Donald Trump to the State of New York, which the State of New York accepted with the conditions already stated.

You should also know that there is a group of elected officials here in New York State who now are calling for Donald Trump’s name to be removed from the State Park that he donated, simply because they don’t like Donald Trump.

One of those elected officials is my colleague, Senator Daniel Squadron, who says that he will submit legislation to remove Donald Trump’s name from that State Park.  Senator Squadron decreed: “Mr. Trump has shown that he is unworthy of having a New York State Park named in his honor.”

Ha ha ha!!

Another elected official asking for Donald Trump's name to be removed is Canadian-born Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who lost his bid in 2006 for New York Attorney General.  He has started an online petition in favor of renaming the park.

It is important for you to also know that when Donald Trump gave the parkland to the State of New York, the terms and conditions of his donation was that the park would always carry Donald Trump’s name, and the State accepted these terms.

All politics aside, to me it seems highly immoral to take a gift of 435 acres of land - that costs a fortune - and then want to keep it without abiding by what was agreed originally upon by both the person who gave it and the recipient.

Even though I never attended law school, I believe that the terms of the contract between Donald Trump and the State of New York cannot be overlooked by any of New York’s elected officials.

My dear reader, I would like to suggest that if my colleagues Senator Daniel Squadron, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney and all those who don't want to see Donald Trump's name on that park, they should start an effort to give back the parkland, and just return those 435 acres to Donald Trump.

I don't think it is moral to accept land from Donald Trump - or from anyone - with an agreed upon deal for the donor's name to remain on the 435 acres of parkland that he gave, and then to reject and erase the name of the person who gave it.  

Ladies and gentlemen: A deal is a deal, and deals should be read carefully, knowing the consequences - good or bad - because once you sign onto one, it's a deal.

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.