The Ones Who Remembered Me During My Time Of Need
Sen. Ruben Diaz
July 5, 2016
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York
Tel 718-991-3161
The Ones Who Remembered Me During My Time Of Need
You should know that for the past 2 months, I have been mostly bedridden, suffering and recovering from serious spinal problems.
It is important for you to know that on Wednesday, June 1st, I was admitted to New York University Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases, where they preformed various surgeries, one through my stomach and one through my back, to remove 3 discs and insert 10 screws onto my spine.
A few days later, on June 10th, because of difficulties, I was back in the hospital where Dr. Alexander de Moura opened me up to correct further problems.
There is an old saying that goes like this: “One knows who their friends are when they are sick or in need.”
It is important for you to know that during these past two months, I have had the opportunity to see a great number of persons, dignitaries, ministers, bishops, friends, and even people I never met, demonstrating great compassion for me, more than I could ever imagine.
We all know that anytime something very difficult like this happens to a person, it is your family and close friends who are always by your side. For example, my wife, Leslie, has patiently taken care of me like a mother takes care of a son. My children, Damaris, Samuel and Rubencito have demonstrated their love and support for me, and so have my grandchildren, nieces, nephews.
My fellow Ministers and Bishops, my employees, and Members of the Church where I serve as Pastor have all been by my side, trying to make me feel comforted and cared for.
I am grateful to God for all of them.
But my dear reader, it is important for you to know that what I was not expecting were the dignitaries and elected officials who took time out of their busy agendas, either to come personally to visit me in the hospital, or to give me a phone call.
Among those who took time to call me on the phone were: His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan; United States Senator Chuck Schumer; New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo; United States Congressman Jose Serrano; State Senators Simcha Felder, Joe Robach, Joe Griffo, Jose Peralta, Adriano Espaillat, and Martin M. Dilan; Assemblymen Michael Blake and Victor Pichardo; New York City Councilman Rafael Salamanca; Taiwan Ambassador Lily Hsu; the Former Mayor of my hometown, Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Ramon Luis Rivera; and Dr. Ricardo “Ricky” Rosello, who is a Candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico.
Another official who called me was Charlie King, who I think was competing with Simcha Felder to see who would call the most. They both called me a million times!
Some officials who came personally to visit me in the hospital, aside from my son, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., were Assemblymen Marcos Crespo and Luis Sepulveda, former Senators Tom Duane and John Sampson, New York City Councilman Corey Johnson, and former New York City Transportation Commissioner Christopher Lynn.
I also received notes of sympathy from New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Senators Kevin Parker and Toby Stavisky, New York State Senate Special Assistant Celeste Knight, Mr. Ken McFadden, the Castle Hill Senior Center, and reporters such as Gerson Borrero, Kirstan Conley and Jimmy Vielkind, who took time to demonstrate their love and concern.
To all of those Pastors and Bishops who took time to visit me and pray for my health and speedy recovery, know that I will be eternally grateful.
To the hundreds of people who sent me notes, emails and Facebook postings, too many to be mentioned one by one, please know that your good wishes and prayers have helped me tremendously and soon, with God’s help, I will again be walking the streets of the 32nd Senatorial District.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.
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May 20, 2016