Senator Diaz’s Statement about Shameful Leadership in Albany

Sen. Ruben Diaz

December 1, 2016

Senator Diaz’s Statement about Shameful Leadership in Albany

For Immediate Release​

December 1, 2016

Senator Diaz’s Statement about Shameful Leadership in Albany

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) has released the following statement:

“It is a shame to see how the Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie and Senate Leader John Flanagan have allowed Governor Andrew Cuomo to take control and make us all look like we are solely interested in giving ourselves a salary increase.  Going back to Albany now for a Special Session to increase our salary, makes us look like we are being forced by the Governor to agree to vote for whatever he wants just for our salary increase. It is shameful that our leaders would do this. It makes us look worse than we already are.”

For further information, please contact Senator Diaz at (718) 991-3161