Sen. Ruben Diaz

November 9, 2016

What You Should Know

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
32nd Senatorial District 


You should know that in Puerto Rico, when you are a soldier and you are all prepared to do something and cannot do a thing, we use the expression to describe this situation as being left with your rifle on your shoulder.

You should know that the General Elections in the United States of America took place yesterday and Americans have chosen Mr. Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States.

It is important for you to know that the Evangelicals throughout the nation threw their support en masse to elect Donald Trump. This triumph was inspired by Reverend Franklin Graham, the son of Evangelical Billy Graham, Reverend Jerry Falwell, Jr., and other evangelical leaders who were instrumental in Donald Trump’s victory.

President-Elect Donald Trump’s pro-life platform against abortion, along with his support for traditional family values, marriage as stated in the Bible as one man and one woman instead of same-sex marriage, in favor of prayer and the reading of sacred scripture in our public schools, and his promise to appoint conservative judges to the United States Supreme Court made Evangelicals and even Democrats who espouse those positions to support Donald Trump.

Donald Trump’s victory also helped Republicans to maintain control of the Unites States House of Representatives and protected them from losing majority in the United States Senate.

This has caused many people and institutions to be left out, leaving them all holding their rifles on their shoulders. Even though many of them had already planned to become whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted, Donald Trump has thrown them to the ground.

Among the people and entities who are left holding their rifles on their shoulders are

(1)   Hillary Rodham Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, and all of their political machinery.  Their aspirations to replace President Barack and Michelle Obama as the most important and powerful Democratic power brokers in the nation have evaporated.  Now, President Obama and his wife, Michelle will continue to be the most important and powerful leaders of the Democratic Party in our nation, due to the fact that Hillary Clinton’s machine was destroyed by Donald Trump.

(2)   Senator Chuck Schumer was also left holding the rifle on his shoulder. We Democrats in the State of New York were all wishing and planning to see Chuck Schumer serve as Leader of the US Senate. For me personally, last year during the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization’s Banquet, I introduced Chuck Schumer as the next President of the United States Senate.  Since this will no longer happen, we are all left holding the rifles on our shoulders.

(3)   Every publication, media outlet, radio and television station, newspaper, reporters and pundits that were making their plans while talking badly about Donald Trump have all seen their wishes disappear, and were left holding the rifles on their shoulders.

(4)   Reverend Al Sharpton and all of the Hollywood actors and personalities who expressed their desires to move out of the county if Donald Trump wins will now be forced to make the decision to be either a bluffer, or to move out of the country.

(5)   New York State Senator Jeff Klein and his Independent Democratic Conference comprised of seven rebellious Democratic Senators were also left holding the rifles on their shoulders. This was due to the fact that it was expected that the Republicans would lose seats in the Senate, leaving Jeff Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference in a situation where Jeff Klein would become the only and absolute Leader of the State Senate. Now that the Senate Republicans have obtained more seats than expected, and with the help of Senator Simcha Felder, they have 33 seats, leaving Jeff Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference in the same place than they were before Election Day.

Last but not least, I personally want to express my gratitude to the more that 72,000 residents of the 32nd Senatorial District who came out to give me more that 98% of the vote.

You should already know that during this past Democratic Primary, the residents of the 32nd Senatorial District helped me to make history in Bronx County by obtaining a victory close to 95%. That along with the results of the General Election where Democrats came out en masse to help me obtain 98% of the vote sends a strong message that this Black, Puerto Rican with kinky hair, and broken English from Bayamón, Puerto Rico is the one they prefer.  Because of that, I am honored.

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.