'NY leaders form coalition to get the lead out' ~ Read more in today's Elmira Star-Gazette

Thomas F. O'Mara

July 20, 2016

It truly has been an unprecedented environmental session and in my second year as chairman of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, I’m proud of it. It will make a positive difference for generations of citizens and communities. It puts down important foundations on which to build a better future. That includes legislation I sponsored, together with Southern Tier Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, to make New York the first state in America to require that school drinking water systems, including preschools, be tested for lead contamination.

I've been grateful this year to work with Southern Tier Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo, the New York League of Conservation Voters, Environmental Advocates of New York, Healthy Schools Network and many other educational, environmental and public health advocates on this critical piece of legislation -- and we look forward to Governor Andrew Cuomo signing it into law.  

Read more in today's Elmira Star-Gazette, "NY leaders form coalition to get lead out"