New York City Department of Finance Announces “Forgiving Fines: New York City Amnesty Program"

Senator Velmanette Montgomery

September 12, 2016

The Department of Finance (DOF) wants to make sure you are aware of the “Forgiving Fines: The New York City Amnesty Program” which runs from September 12, 2016 -December 12, 2016.  

“Forgiving Fines: New York City Amnesty Program,” is a DOF program that forgives penalties and interest on violations received by individuals and business owners from the Department of Sanitation, Department of Buildings and other City agencies. The program covers violations left unpaid that are now in judgment. To have a violation in judgment means the City of New York has filed a public record of liability due on a violation for the entire amount.  To find out more information and receive answers to the most frequently asked questions on “Forgiving Fines: The NYC Amnesty Program,” please click the link: