Squadron Responds to Reports That Sen. Majority May Nix Raise The Age From Budget Negotiations
March 31, 2017

ALBANY – State Senator Daniel Squadron, co-sponsor of the ‘Raise the Age’ bill (S.4157-Montgomery) and lead sponsor of ‘Kalief's Law’ (S.1998A-Squadron/Aubry) to fix New York's broken speedy trial law, released the following statement in response to reports that the Senate Majority may force ‘Raise the Age’ out of budget negotiations, after rejecting speedy trial reform in the budget:
"The momentum for criminal justice reform comes from the basic understanding that too often, our criminal justice laws breed injustice.
"The Senate Majority has already rejected speedy trial reform -- Kalief's Law -- in the budget. To also eliminate ‘Raise the Age,’ despite the groundswell of public support for reform, would be an affront to all those who the system treats unfairly, and the many young people who face less appropriate justice in New York than they would in 48 other states.
"Widespread support for criminal justice reform is deafening -- the Senate Majority needs to listen up."
Squadron filed a Motion for Committee Consideration to force a committee vote on Kalief's Law within 45 days earlier this month. The Assembly passed Kalief’s Law for the second time, this time unanimously, earlier this session, and included it in their budget proposal. Squadron introduced Kalief’s Law following Kalief Browder’s