Senator Bonacic Announces $50,000 Grant for the Town of Neversink

John J. Bonacic

May 4, 2017

(Albany, NY)- State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) announced today that the Town of Neversink has been awarded a $50,000 grant to assist with the replacement of the roof on the Town Highway Department’s Salt Shed. The funding was secured through the State and Municipal Facilities Program, money for which was appropriated in the 2016-2017 State Budget. 

The salt shed was built in 1998 and has had multiple repairs done to it. At this time, the roof is the most critical repair. The salt shed is an important asset to the town; it is where the highway department stockpiles road salt throughout the year. The shed holds several tons of road salt so that the highway department has it readily available when the roads need to be treated during inclement weather.

“The men and women of the Town of Neversink Highway Department are on the front lines clearing roads during bad weather, and this improved salt shed will ensure that they can keep doing their jobs effectively,” said Senator Bonacic. “In addition, this grant will save the local taxpayers money.”

Said Town of Neversink Supervisor Chris Mathews, "The replacement of our shed roof will improve operations at the Highway Department, and ensure that our employees using the most modern facilities possible. I want to thank Senator Bonacic for helping us secure this grant, and for his continued advocacy on behalf the Town of Neversink."