Statement From Senator Krueger On Protecting Reproductive Rights For All New Yorkers

New York – State Senator Liz Krueger, Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Pro-Choice Legislative Caucus, released the following statement today following the rally of more than 1,600 reproductive rights activists organized by Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts:

"With one-party rule in Washington and a president who has declared war on women, the freedom of New Yorkers to make their own reproductive health decisions is severely at risk. New York State must be a bold leader, not just by defending the status quo, but by raising the bar on access to reproductive healthcare. My colleagues in the Assembly have done their part by passing the Reproductive Health Act and the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act; now the responsibility lies with the Senate and the Governor. I urge New Yorkers to get engaged, call your Senators and tell them to co-sponsor these vital bills, and tell the Governor that anything less than full-throated and active support is no longer enough. The rights and freedoms of New York State families must be protected by New York State laws."