Important slate of legislative budget hearings this week: Environment (Monday,9:30am), Education (Tuesday, 9:30am), Transportation (Wednesday, 9:30 am), Health/Medicaid (Thursday, 9:30am), and Housing (Friday, 9:30am) ~ Watch live here

Thomas F. O'Mara

February 16, 2017

These budget hearings are a key part of the annual budget adoption process. They help us dissect critical details and bring them into the light of day.

Elmira, N.Y., February 10—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, today said that the Legislature’s fiscal committees will continue a series of public hearings on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2017-2018 proposed New York State budget this week with an examination of several of the most important budget-related topics: Environmental Conservation, Elementary & Secondary Education, Transportation, and Health/Medicaid.

Cuomo has proposed an approximately $152-billion spending plan for the state’s 2017-2018 fiscal year beginning on April 1. 

“These budget hearings are a key part of the annual budget adoption process.  They help us dissect critical details and bring them into the light of day.  They give us an opportunity to directly question top Cuomo administration officials, as well hear directly from grassroots advocates and local officials on the impact the governor’s plan would have on our local communities, schools, economies and property taxpayers,” said O’Mara, who serves as Chair of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

The Senate Finance Committee and the Assembly Ways and Means Committee have been conducting the joint hearings since early February.  Each hearing focuses on a specific programmatic area of the budget.  Legislators hear testimony from local and statewide advocacy groups and government officials on the direct impact of the governor’s plan at the grassroots level.

The following hearings will convene this week:

> Environmental Conservation on Monday, February 13, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  WATCH HERE;

> Elementary & Secondary Education on Tuesday, February 14, beginning at 9:30 a.m. WATCH HERE;

> Transportation on Wednesday, February 15, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  WATCH HERE

> Health/Medicaid on Thursday, February 16, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  WATCH HERE; and

> Housing, February 17, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  WATCH HERE.

Access to comprehensive, detailed information on the governor’s budget proposal can be found on O’Mara’s website by clicking on the “2017-18 New York State Executive Budget” banner near the top of the home page.

Details on the governor’s budget proposal are also available on the state Division of the Budget (DOB) website,

Additionally, O’Mara reminded area residents that his 2017 “Community and Legislative Survey” remains available on his website and includes opportunities to offer opinions on specific state budget-related issues.

State leaders are aiming, for the seventh consecutive year, to have a new state budget in place before the April 1 start of New York’s new fiscal year.