New law authorizes ride-sharing companies to operate Upstate in time for the July Fourth weekend; O’Mara co-sponsors new law and cites economic, other benefits

Albany, N.Y., June 6—Legislation co-sponsored by Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) to allow ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft to begin operating in upstate New York State communities by June 29, in time for the July Fourth holiday weekend, has been signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo.
O’Mara, Vice Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, said, “It makes no sense for the residents of upstate New York communities to be left standing out in the rain waiting for ride-sharing services to begin operating. The sooner the better and this new law moves up the timeframe so that these services can be in place by the Fourth of July. Our upstate communities deserve to benefit from the economic, environmental and public safety advantages offered by Uber, Lyft and other ride-sharing companies.”
The 2017-18 state budget authorized ride-sharing services to begin operating outside of New York City later this summer. The new law (S.5814/A.7624, Chapter 34 of the Laws of 2017) O’Mara co-sponsors changes the effective date included in the budget and accelerates it by 10 days to make ride-sharing available upstate as early as June 29, 2017.