Join Senator Montgomery, Assemblyman Mosley, NYS AFL-CIO, NYSUT, TWU Local 100, CSA, NYSNA, CWA Local 1180, DC 1707, 32BJ SEIU, UFCW Local 1500, UFT, Teamsters Local 237 and DC 37 for a Forum on the NYS Constitutional Convention
Senator Velmanette Montgomery
July 18, 2017
- New York State Constitutional Convention
- Seniors
- Environmental Protections
- Workers' Rights
- Unions

Join State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Assemblymember Walter T. Mosley, the New York State AFL-CIO, New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), Transport Workers Union Local 100, Council of School Supervisors & Administrators (CSA) , New York State Nurses Association, CWA Local 1180, District Council 1707, 32BJ SEIU, UFCW Local 1500, United Federation of Teachers (UFT), Teamsters Local 237 and DC 37 for an important forum on the New York State Constitutional Convention.
This November, New York State voters will have a major decision to make: whether or not to convene a NYS Constitutional Convention. Please join us for an educational forum to learn about the protections CURRENTLY GUARANTEED in our state constitution such as:
· Guarantees free public education
· Provides protection against age discrimination
· Protects public employee pensions from being “diminished or impaired.”
· FOREVER WILD ACT - Provides that forest preserve land such as the Adirondacks and Catskills be forever maintained as wild forest.
· Requires that the state provide social welfare services
· Prisoners’ work may not be contracted out to private corporations
· Establishes eight hour work day, 5 day work week
· Requires workers be paid minimum wage
· Right to worker’s compensation
· Collective bargaining
· Rights to be a member of a union
A “NO” vote would guarantee that New Yorkers would continue to receive these protections.
For more information about the event, please download the flyer.
To read the New York State Constitution, download the PDF.
To learn more about what's at stake with the New York State Constitutional Convention, please visit:
A Constitutional Convention stands to harm seniors: http://www.timesunion.com/tuplus-opinion/article/A-Constitutional-Convention-stands-to-harm-seniors-11217400.php
Why voters should reject constitutional convention: http://www.uft.org/q-issues/why-voters-should-reject-constitutional-convention
Why we must say NO to a state constitutional convention: https://www.nysut.org/news/nysut-united/issues/2016/february-2016/why-we-must-say-no-to-a-state-constitutional-convention
Union gains ground in exposing 'con' in constitutional convention: https://www.nysut.org/news/2017/april/ra/union-gains-ground-in-exposing-con-in-constitutional-convention