Senator Montgomery congratulates Sandra Fernando, Caucus CUNY Scholar and 2017 graduate of the City College of New York.

Senator Velmanette Montgomery

June 1, 2017

Senator Montgomery congratulates Sandra Fernando, Caucus CUNY Scholar and 2017 graduate of the City College of New York with a Masters Degree in Public Adminstration. 

Senator Montgomery's former interns from the Caucus CUNY Scholars Program and the Women’s Public Service Internship Program, have moved on to join her staff and the staff of her colleagues Assemblyman Walter Mosley and State Senator Jose Serrano. CUNY's  Edward T. Rogowsky Internship Program in Government and Public Affairs administers both prorgams under the leadership of Director & Professor Anthony J. Maniscalco, Ph.D.

Senator Montgomery commends Sandra and the 2017 Caucus CUNY Scholars for their commitment to public service. For more information about the Caucus CUNY Scholars Program and the Women’s Public Service Internship Program, vist



The Caucus CUNY Scholars Program is a local internship program for students who are interested in the service of the New York State Legislature. The Program allows students to learn about the work performed by the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus, as well as the services provided by the New York State Legislature to communities of need in the City of New York. 

The Caucus CUNY Program was established for students who wish to study the community service in New York State, but who are unable to relocate to Albany for a full spring semester. Selected students are assigned to the district offices of New York State legislators comprising membership on the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus. The assignment of students to district offices is based on their residence, policy interests, skills sets, etc. Once assigned, students perform substantive tasks such as constituent case management, legislative research and assistance, and a host of other responsibilities.

In addition to the first hand experiences they receive in the district offices of New York State Senators and Assembly members, all Caucus CUNY Scholars are given academic guidance through enrollment in campus-based seminars with CUNY faculty, as well as regular meetings with members of the Caucus and their staff. Students also draft research papers and written logs in which they describe and analyze their internships.

Caucus CUNY Scholars also visit the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus weekend conference in Albany, as well as other special events sponsored by the Caucus and City University. This combination of campus and off campus activities constitutes the core of the Caucus CUNY Scholars Program—an academically rigorous experience for students considering careers and involvement in public service.

The Caucus CUNY Scholars Program is open to any student who has completed 30 credits. In some cases, outstanding upper-freshmen may be considered. Any major may apply, but students who wish to be considered should demonstrate an interest in, and understanding of, state government and politics. Applicants must carry a 3.0 GPA and must submit two confidential recommendation forms along with their written applications and official transcripts. CUNY will award $2,000 to each student and will cover the costs for Albany visits (as mentioned above) and other related events.