Senator Montgomery to deliver the Keynote Address at the Re-Thinking Re- Entry II Conference
Senator Velmanette Montgomery
September 19, 2017

On Wednesday, September 20, 2017, Senator Montgomery will deliver the Keynote Address at the Re-Thinking Re- Entry II Conference which will feature discussions with expert panelists representing city and state agencies, services providers, and leaders of faith based organizations at an all-day conference to discuss the pressing need for services for formerly incarcerated men and women.
Senator Montgomery notes “it is important that we understand the complexity of re-entry and approach the needs of formerly incarcerated women in a holistic way that helps them find fulfillment and acceptance in community and responsible citizenship. I am excited to be involved in the project so that we may all re-think re-entry”
The conference is being convened and hosted by The Interchurch Center (TIC) in cooperation with Positive Community Magazine. The conference will be held at The Interchurch Center, located at 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115 where Ms. Paula Mayo serves as the CEO/Executive Director. The conference planner is the Rev. Dr. Valerie Oliver Durrah, President of Neighborhood Technical Assistance Clinic, who has planned many successful events on behalf of TIC working over the years with Paula Mayo and her team.
The Co- Convening Partners of this conference consists of Bard Prison Initiative, The Redemption Center, Inc., Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions, Greenhope Services for Women, Inc., The Osborne Association, College and Community Fellowship, Providence House, Inc., Hour Children, Inc., The Riverside Church in the City of New York, Women’s Prison Association, New York Theological Seminary, and The Fortune Society.
The conference will begin with an expert panel discussing policy related issues as it relates to the formerly incarcerated post President Trump. The panel includes Nicole Triplett, Policy Counsel for the New York Civil Liberties Union, Susan Gottesfeld, Chief Program Officer, The Osborne Association, Detrel Howell, Bronx Region Re-entry Manager, and Rev. Dr. Mark V. C. Taylor, Senior Pastor, The Church of the Open Door.
Ruby Carrasquillo and Donna Hylton, both who are advocates for formerly incarcerated persons as well will share personal testimonies.
The expert panelist discussion will be followed by a keynote address from NYS Senator Velmanatte Montgomery.
The afternoon will be devoted to workshops on Housing, Employment, and Education:
Maricella Gilbert, Outpatient Service Director of Greenhope Services will moderate the Housing Workshop. The workshop presenters are James Washington, Director of DOE Fund, Cesar Sosa, Senior Director at Serendipity for Men, New York Therapeutic Communities, Inc., Rita Taddonio, Director of Programs at Providence House Inc., Jasmyn Dennis, Senior Housing Counselor from The Osborne Association, and Mark Graham, Founder and Director of Redemption Center.
William Kelley, Ford Foundation, Co- Coordinator of BPI Internship Program will moderate the Employment Workshop (jobs). The workshop presenters are Denise Doyle, Senior Recruitment Manager of Nontraditional Employment for Women, Jed Tucker, Director of Reentry at the Bard Prison Initiative, and Kamilah Duggins, Ford Foundation, office of HR, Co- Coordinator of BPI’s Internship Program.
Dr. Vivian Nixon, Executive Director of College and Community Fellowship will moderate the Education workshop. The workshop presenters are Cheryl Wilkens, Director of Education at Columbia University, Leyla Martinez, Student of Columbia University, Jennel Nesbitt, BPI Alumna, Ford Foundation Fellow, Nikko A. Vaughn, Continuing Education Specialist in partnership with CUNY Baccalaureate for Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA) at the Graduate Center, and Rev. Petero Sabune, Director, Master's program in Sing Sing at New York Theological Seminary.
The conference will end with a film by Keith Mcquirter, Milwaukee 53206, A Community Serves Time; followed by a Q&A.
Our host, Paula Mayo, The Interchurch Center’s Executive Director/CEO welcomes all to attend!
The Interchurch Center is owned and managed under the auspices of several Christian Organizations as a Class A office facility, with the mission to provide a working environment that is conducive to ecumenism and interreligious involvement.
To further this mission, The Interchurch Center will:
•Maintain a high quality, state-of-the-art building with superior accessibility and a range of convenient tenant- related services.
•Draw on traditions of hospitality within our Christian heritage, which intentionally promote a sense of community and respect for diverse religious groups.
•Establish programs and services that support tenant agencies and offer opportunities for networking and exchange among all tenants.
•Seek to be a positive presence in the surrounding neighborhood.
For more information about the event, download the PDF.
For more information about Senator Montgomery's work on re-entry and criminal justice, visit: https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/velmanette-montgomery/senator-montgomery-convenes-connecting-dots-networking-event