Senator Montgomery urges Mayor de Blasio to create pathway for the homeless into permanent low-income, supportive and affordable housing

On Saturday March 4th, I joined my colleagues from the State Assembly and City Council at a Community Board 8 meeting to address the New York City Department of Homeless Service’s plan to open a homeless shelter at 1173 Bergen Street in Brooklyn. In response to the issues and concerns raised at this and the subsequent community meeting on this proposal, I have written to Mayor de Blasio to urge his adminstration to work with non-profit housing developers (NPCs) to create a pathway out of homeless shelters into permanent low-income, supportive and affordable housing.

Homeless shelters divide communities while affordable housing developments enhance and strengthen neighborhoods. In the last 25 years, the Neighborhood Preservation Companies (NPCs) have been the source of the revitalization of our communities, before the developers ‘discovered’ Brooklyn.

I am proud to represent a district that is home to numerous developments built by non-profit housing organizations (NPCs) that provide quality affordable housing while respecting the fabric and character of the community.

I respectfully urge you to create a plan which includes the non-profit housing developers (NPCs) who have expertise in creating affordable and permanent housing for the homeless, low and moderate-income individuals and families. This is not an unattainable goal. Only in this way can we address current homelessness and prevent others from joining their ranks.

If the City continues to rely on private developers that only dedicate a small portion of their projects to the individuals and families who struggle to secure affordable housing, we will not solve the housing crisis plaguing our great City. 

To read my entire letter to Mayor de Blasio, please download the attached PDF. To learn more about the importance of Neighborhood Preservation Companies and the impact they have made on communities throught New York City, visit

To learn more about this proposal, please visit: