Senator Brad Hoylman Urges Property Owner to Make Banksy Art Piece Permanently Available to the Public

The following is an email sent by Senator Hoylman to Mr. John Meehan, owner of 531 6th Avenue. The senator is urging Mr. Meehan to make a recent art piece created by street artist Banksy permently available for public consumption. 

Dear Mr. Meehan:

I am writing regarding the Banksy artwork that you removed today from the façade of your property at 531 6th Avenue.

First, I commend you for preserving the 1954 mural by Julien Binford, “A Memory of 14th Street and 6th Avenue,” in the interior of this building earlier this year.

Now you have a very different kind of artwork on your hands by the graffiti artist Banksy, and a corporate windfall of considerable value. Instead of selling the Banksy on the open market, I would urge you to celebrate your good fortune by finding a suitable location for the Banksy to be permanently displayed to the public. You might consider incorporating it into the façade of the new building or lending it to a local gallery or institution, for example.

As Banksy once said, “For the sake of keeping all street art where it belongs, I’d encourage people not to buy anything by anybody, unless it was created for sale in the first place.” Graffiti art like Banksy’s is public art, meant for all who want to enjoy it, not just those who can afford it. I hope you find a way to allow the public continued access to this brilliant artwork. Please contact me at 212-633-8052 if I can be of any assistance.


Brad Hoylman

State Senator, District 27