Senator Rivera Condemns the Trump Administration's Proposal to Withdraw from Agreement on Child Migrant Detention
September 7, 2018
"The Trump administration's announcement that they are seeking to withdraw from the 'Flores Settlement' demonstrates for the umpteenth time this administration's profound hostility towards our immigrant communities. The new regulation proposed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would allow for the detention of thousands of families, including children, for an indefinite period of time while their immigration cases proceed. Even more alarmingly, it would allow the federal government to keep undocumented children and their parents in facilities not licensed by state authorities to hold minors.
Apparently, ripping families apart was not horrendous enough for this administration.
This is the next chapter in a series of inhumane and immoral steps taken by this overtly nativist administration in their never-ending quest to end immigration, especially from countries in the developing world.
Let me be very clear: This is not about protecting our borders, which we all agree is critical to our country's safety. This is a dangerous political maneuver that will continue to stoke the flames of fear, especially in an election year, against individuals who are coming to this country seeking a better future for themselves and their families.
Anyone who cares about the future of our country needs to show that we will not back down in our repudiation of this abhorrent proposal or any further racist or inhumane immigration policy this administration sees fit to put forth.
I urge everyone to submit a public comment stating your strong disapproval starting today through November 6, 2018."