Donna Mossman

Donna Mossman has lived in Crown Heights for over 38 years. She is one of Brooklyn's prominent affordable housing advocates and leaders, who has directed efforts to educate, protect and empower tenants for many years.

Ms. Mossman is a founding member of the Crown Heights Tenant Union, a tenant-led community organization that educates tenants on their rights, provides training and assists them in organizing their buildings.

In addition, Ms. Mossman has a strong commitment to social justice. Prior to working in the field of housing advocacy, she was involved in several projects affecting communities of color. Before joining the Crown Heights Tenants Union, Ms. Mossman worked as an administrator at Medgar Evers College and served as a staffer with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, fighting for racial justice and human rights throughout the world.

After her family was pressured to move out of their rent-controlled apartment, Ms. Mossman jumped into action. She vowed to fight to protect other Brooklynites from being forced out of their homes; she credits her mother, a union delegate, for teaching her about standing up and fighting for her civil rights. When Ms. Mossman’s family was at the point of being displaced, she took matters into her own hands.

Ms. Mossman will retire from the Crown Heights Tenants Union later this year to focus on her family; however, she will continue to be a voice for all.