Formerly Incarcerated Resource Guide: Creating the tools for successful reentry, reintegration, and reconnection with our communities
Jesse Hamilton
June 28, 2018

New York needs to pursue a justice system that has the twice-blessed quality of mercy. Instead of a justice system with too little compassion, too little forgiveness, and too little wisdom to see our common humanity. We see the inhumanity that results from ‘zero tolerance’ – a path leading to children snatched from their parents and locked in cages. We must pursue the humane approach.
We need to give the formerly incarcerated the tools to successfully reenter, reintegrate, and reconnect with our communities.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a productive life. That is why it is so important to support our community based organizations, our educators, and our neighborhood institutions that provide those kinds of opportunities on an inclusive basis – their work uplifts all New Yorkers.
That is the importance of launching this “Back to Basics” resource guide.
That is why I’m proud to support the outstanding work of educators here at Brownville Academy High School. Too many give up on transfer schools. We must support them and make sure students from all walks of life can be successful scholars. That’s why this school is part of “The Campus” – the tech, wellness, and workforce development program we established in Brownsville. This funding allowed for high-tech 3D printers, training for teachers to be able to provide quality classes with the 3D printers. We were with the trucks when the printers arrived and will see this project through to success for this school and our students.
Ensuring everyone has access to opportunity is also why I’m proud to support the work of Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow.Workforce development, training, internships, skills building - Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow is ensuring there’s a real pathway to jobs for our communities.
The common theme here is being inclusive. Ensuring that no matter who you are, no matter what your background, no matter what, you have access to success. All the community groups joining us today are doing important work to ensure access to opportunities for our communities.
Thank you for your work.
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