Henry Rosenzweig, Sr.
May 15, 2018
- Veterans Hall of Fame

Henry Rosenzweig, Sr. of Colonie was born on March 11, 1948 to John and Barbara Rosenzweig, the third of eight children. His father was a WW II veteran, as was his uncle, who lost an arm in battle.
Mr. Rosenzweig enlisted in the Army in November 1966, and while in basic training in Ft. Lewis, Washington, he received his draft notice. His service included two back-to-back tours in Vietnam with the Military Advisory Command-Vietnam (MACV) and the Republic of Korea’s fearsome “Tiger Division.” Mr. Rosenzweig was wounded in action in August 1968 and recovered consciousness in a military hospital in Japan. He spent the next eight months recuperating at St. Albans Naval Hospital on Long Island. PFC Rosenzweig received the Purple Heart medal for his injuries.
Returning to civilian life, PFC Rosenzweig became a member of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 7 and began a career that lasted 35 years. He is an active member of the veterans community, currently holding positions in the following organizations: American Legion: County POW/MIA Chair, Colonie Post 1256 Adjutant; Disabled American Veterans: Chapter 10 Treasurer, VAVS Officer @ Stratton VA; Military Order of the Purple Heart: Chapter 446 Commander, Dept. Finance Officer; Voiture 348 of the Forty and Eight: Correspondent; Tri County Council Vietnam Era Veterans: Director; Fuller Road Fire Department: Finance Secretary (Life Member).
PFC Rosenzweig is also a member of the Veterans of Lansingburgh; Retired Enlisted Association: Chapter 120; Volunteer: Stratton VA Medical Center; Volunteer: Hudson Park Nursing and Rehabilitation Center; Our Lady of Angels Church: Past Parish Council Member, Bingo Chairman; and the Albany County Honor a Vet Committee.
PFC Rosenzweig and his wife, Mary Ann, have three children, Henry Jr., Joel and Mary, and four grandchildren, Riley, Sadie, Anna and Jesse, Jr.