August 15th Community Update from Senator Shelley Mayer

Dear Friend:

This month, I was glad to stand with Assemblymember David Buchwald and community leaders in Bedford as we announced that Governor Andrew Cuomo had signed into law a bill we sponsored transferring state land to the Town of Bedford. Read more in the section below about this new law which will save money for Bedford property taxpayers.

Also earlier in the month, the New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) released their annual score card rating members of the legislature on whether they supported or voted in favor of key pieces of pro-environment legislation. I am proud to announce that I received a perfect score from the NYLCV and was named a "Rising Star" for "shrewd advocacy" for pro-environment causes in the legislature!

As always, if there is a concern you think my office can help you with, please don't hesitate to call us at 914-934-5250.

Warm regards,

Shelley B. Mayer

Click here to read the full e-newsletter.

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