The New York State Senate Democratic Conference Releases Report, "Pricey Predicament: Access To Affordable Emergency Contraception"
May 30, 2018

The Senate Democratic Conference issued a report, Pricey Predicament: Access To Affordable Emergency Contraception, which outlined the need for better contraceptive care for women in New York State.
The report notes:
In October 2017, President Trump and his administration released a new rule that allows employers and insurers to decline providing birth control in instances where it violates their “religious beliefs” or “moral convictions.” This change in policy threatens women’s access to affordable birth control and marks a new barrier to effective family planning and reproductive health. It is expected that the Trump Administration will continue to wage war on birth control, as the Administration continues to propose related ideas such as funding restrictions on family planning clinics and foreign aid that provides for reproductive freedom.
New York State has always been supportive of women’s health and reproductive rights. In 2002, the Legislature passed the “Women’s Health and Wellness Act,” which required prescription drug plans to include coverage for approved contraceptive drugs and devices. Governor Cuomo took further regulatory action in 2017 and required insurers to provide FDA approved contraception options for women were covered without co-pays or cost sharing.
Despite New York’s leadership, the current federal pressure highlights the need for New York to pass the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act (CCCA) (S3668/Bonacic). The CCCA addresses three main issues: (1) requires insurers to cover any FDA approved contraception that a health care provider recommends for a woman without a co-payment, (2) allows for access to a year’s supply of contraception at one time, and (3) drastically improves access to emergency contraception.
To read the full report, download the PDF.
To learn more about the Senate Democratic Conference efforts to force a vote on the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act And Reproductive Health Act, visit https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/velmanette-montgomery/standing-womens-health-and-rights-senate-democrats
To learn more about Senator Montgomery's work on the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act And Reproductive Health Act, visit:
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