Senator Montgomery stands with members of Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE) to call for increased State investment in NYCHA

Senator Montgomery stands with members of Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE) to call for increased State investment in the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). NYCHA is the landlord of 1 in 14 New Yorkers and the largest public housing authority in North America.

After decades of chronic under funding at all levels of government, Senator Montgomery joins FUREE in calling for:

  • Increased City and State funding for public housing
  • Greater transparency of NYCHA operations and fiscal activities.
  • Galvanize and support residents of Wyckoff Gardens to develop and implement a proposal for the preservation and economic viability of their community.
  • Improving the living standards of public housing residents throughout NYC.
  • Increased resident engagement in the development of plans to secure necessary revenue for repairs and wider capital needs.


Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE) is a member led Brooklyn-based multiracial program of Fifth Avenue Committee (FAC) led by mostly women of color. We organize and unite low-income families to build power to fight against systems of oppression so that the work of all people is valued and all of us have the right and ability to decide and live out our own destinies. We use direct action, leadership development, community organizing and political education to win the changes our members seek. Our guiding principle is that those directly affected by the policies we are seeking to change should lead the organization because they are the true experts.

For more information about FUREE, visit

To read the Senate Democratic Conference letter calling for $500 million in state funding for NYCHA, download the PDF. and visit