Senator Rivera on Guilty Verdicts on the Trial of Lesandro "Junior" Guzman-Feliz
June 17, 2019
"Last year's profoundly disturbing murder of 15-year old Lesandro 'Junior' Guzman-Feliz shocked our City to the core for its sheer brutality and complete lack of humanity. Last Friday, the five people who perpetrated that heinous crime were found guilty and justice was served.
I commend the efforts of District Attorney Darcel Clark and our City's Police Department for working exhaustively to hold these five individuals responsible. Throughout this painful ordeal, Junior's family, especially his mother, Leandra Feliz, have been symbols of endurance and strength despite such a tragic loss. We need and must do more to curtail the gang violence culture that continues to permeate our youths' environment in honor of Junior's memory."