Give Upstate a Voice, Share Your Feedback
Senator Pam Helming
February 5, 2019
- Legislative Questionnaire

Thank you for placing your faith and trust in me and giving me the opportunity to serve as your New York State Senator for a second term. To have the honor of serving you in state government is a privilege I cherish.
This year, the balance of power in our state has shifted. For the first time in a decade, all three branches of state government are controlled by a single political party with roots firmly planted in New York City. This means my upstate colleagues and I will need to work even harder and be even more vigilant with our advocacy on behalf of the families and communities we represent.
Serving my constituents and fighting for your needs has been a priority of mine from day one. With the change in Albany leadership, this priority is even more important to me.
During my first term, I listened to your ideas and concerns in order to ensure your priorities were my priorities. I am extremely thankful to everyone who took the time to attend mobile office hours, respond to surveys, or reach out in other ways to let me know what was on your mind. Today, I am writing to ask for your help. I want to hear from you.
Please complete my 2019 Legislative Questionnaire and let your voice – and upstate New York’s voice – be heard. Please fill it out by Thursday, February 28 in order to share your opinions as we enter state budget season.
This year’s questionnaire is available now on my website, helming.nysenate.gov. I strongly encourage you to share this survey with your friends, neighbors, and relatives who live in the 54th Senate District.
Every day I am working on your behalf to create a more affordable New York State and to restore your trust in our state government. That starts with getting your input and hearing your thoughts.